Modern tensor applications, especially foundation models and generative AI applications require multiple input modalities (both vision and language), which increases the demand for flexible accelerator architecture. Existing frameworks suffer from the trade-off between design flexibility and productivity of RTL generation: either limited to very few hand-written templates or cannot automatically generate the RTL. To address this challenge, we propose the LEGO framework, which targets tensor applications and automatically generates spatial architecture design and outputs synthesizable RTL code without handwritten RTL design templates. Leveraging the affine-transformation-based architecture representation, LEGO front end finds interconnections between function units, synthesizes the memory system, and fuses different spatial dataflow designs based on data reuse analysis. LEGO back end then translates the hardware in a primitive-level graph to perform lower-level optimizations, and applies a set of linear-programming algorithms to optimally insert pipeline registers and reduce the overhead of unused logic when switching spatial dataflows. Our evaluation demonstrates that LEGO can achieve 3.2× speedup and 2.4× energy efficiency compared to previous work Gemmini, and can generate one architecture for diverse modern foundation models in generative AI applications.
We thank MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, MIT AI Hardware Program, Amazon, and NSF for supporting this research.